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Has anyone else got that renovating bug???

I certainly do after watching so many episodes of channel 7’s House Rules. We all know that it’s almost impossible to do what they did in such a short amount of time, but the excitement of what you could do if you were put under the pressure (and given an unknown sum of money) has got my mind racing about what we could do to our own home!

In tonight’s grand final between SA’s Carly & Leighton and NSW’s Michelle & Steve, one of these very hard working and deserving contestants will walk away with their home completely paid off! What an amazing dream.

As an Aussie you always support your own so we’re hoping for locals Carly and Leighton that they are the lucky winners tonight. However Troy, though his work at Maison Design, actually helped out Michelle & Steve when they came in to buy the designer privacy screens for Carly & Leighton’s backyard.


Troy said they were the loveliest of people so we can’t help but have a soft spot for them especially since they seem to have gone through some really tougher times.

Tell us who you think will win….
