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Start with Trees
When it comes to trees or large, stand-alone shrubs or plants, it's easy to narrow down your options for landscaping lights. That's because the type of light you choose depends on the size and structure of your plant. The rule is that if you have a narrow, tall plant or tree, you want to use a narrow-focused spot beam or if you have a short, squat, wide, fat plant, you want to use a wide beam to light the whole thing.
For example, if you have a tall palm tree, there's not much going on at ground level. But go up 20 feet, and there's some greenery, which means your option for landscape lights should be a slim profile. A narrow spotlight is going to keep light narrow at the bottom and once the light goes up, it'll widen out a bit so that it will light that umbrella top on the palm tree. For Palm trees you can't go past our Willow Spike uplight with a 30 degree beam.
Contrast that with options for landscaping lights for evergreens: The tree is wide on the bottom and narrows to a point. If you have a spotlight that is wide to begin with, it's more likely to illuminate the full width at the bottom, and touch the little point at the top of the tree. Depending on the size we recommend using the Lotus or Willow Spike Uplight with a 60 degree beam.

Remember the Seasons
Your options for landscaping lights may change based on how your yard changes with the seasons. In the spring and halfway through Winter, your trees -- partially devoid of foliage -- will have a completely different profile when lit then during summertime and even winter. A tree with no leaves may cast a shadow on a nearby wall that's really appealing. This will lead to you getting different designs as you move through the seasons.
Color is another consideration when deciding on landscaping lights. An annual flowerbed that's filled with yellow, orange, and gold marigolds in the growing season may look ablaze when lit up in summertime. Color at night can be kind of fun. Play with the type of flowers you put in a bed; brighter colours are the ones that are going to pop. Trees like the cut leaf maple turn a really beautiful purple red in winter, and landscape lights can grab a hold of that color and pop it out of the garden.
If you think your outdoor plants, trees, and shrubs are only viewable during daylight hours, you're missing out. Easy-to-install options for landscaping lights can increase the viewing enjoyment of your outdoor space, adding a brand-new vista for your flowerbeds and borders. Here is some expert advice on how to integrate lights outside.
Consider Landscaping Light Placement

Many flowerbeds border walkways, making them a natural option for landscaping lights that both accent and provide safety. But resist the temptation to place the lights at a specific center-to-center dimension. You'll end up with an extremely boring look.
Another option for landscaping lights along a pathway is to place them where you're going to get some visual interest, which will benefit the garden and illuminate the steps or a walkway. You don't have to fully illuminate a path; the eye is going to understand that there is a path there. A light near a step is going to illuminate that step enough so that when guests come in, they're going to see it.

Turn Down the Wattage
Many people are mistaken that their options for landscaping lights should be accompanied by high wattage bulbs. That's not the case. A full moon, for example, is 1/10 of a foot-candle -- not much light at all, but enough for you to see really well at night. When you are outside at night, your eyes get acclimated to a low level of light so they do not need a huge amount of supplemental light. Don't feel you need to 'overwatt' landscape lighting. Low levels are comfortable and do a real nice job is most cases. Always consider your surrounding and the ambient light in which the garden lighting will compete. Often testing the lights is the only way to really know what will provide the desired effect.
Keep the Colour of Landscaping Lights Neutral
Outdoor lights should remain fairly colorless. Look for lights that provide illumination in a typical incandescent color range, which is around 2,700 to 3,000 kelvins. Anything above that is going to look too blue, and if it hits nearby architecture, such as a building or a wall, it gets offensive looking. LED Outdoor always recommends 3000k as it provides a very natural warm light that is comforting and at the same time brings out the true colours in the features you are highlighting.